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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Class 2 Device Recall CYTOSTAT tetraCHROME CD45FITC/CD4RD1/CD8ECD/CD3PC5

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 Class 2 Device Recall CYTOSTAT tetraCHROME CD45FITC/CD4RD1/CD8ECD/CD3PC5see related information
Date Initiated by FirmMay 22, 2012
Date PostedOctober 10, 2012
Recall Status1 Terminated 3 on October 10, 2012
Recall NumberZ-0033-2013
Recall Event ID 63161
Product Classification Counter, differential cell - Product Code GKZ
ProductCYTO-STAT tetraCHROME CD45-FITC/CD4-RD1/CD8-ECD/CD3-PC5, Part Number 6607013. Allows simultaneous identification and enumeration of total CD3+, total CD4+, total CD8+, dual CD3+/CD4+, dual CD3+/CD8+ and/or total CD3+, CD19+ and CD3+/CD56+ lymphocyte percentages and absolute counts in whole blood by flow cytometry. The systems also provide the CD4/CD8 ratio when using CD45-FITC/ CD4-RD1/CD8-ECD/CD3-PC5, and total lymphocyte percentage when using CD45-FITC/CD56-RD1/ CD19-ECD/CD3-PC5.
Code Information All tetraCHROME lots manufactured
Recalling Firm/
Beckman Coulter Inc.
250 S Kraemer Blvd
Brea CA 92821-6232
For Additional Information ContactClair K. O'Donovan, Ph.D.
Manufacturer Reason
for Recall
The recall was initiated because Beckman Coulter has determined that the specimen and prepared sample stability claims stated in the product labeling for tetraCXP software and CYTO-STAT reagents (CD45-FITC/CD4-RD1/CD8-ECD/CD3-PC5 and CD45-FITC/CD56-RD1/CD19-ECD/CD3-PC5) need to be updated for alignment with current standards and clinical decision-making associated with lymphocyte immunophenotyping
FDA Determined
Cause 2
Process control
ActionBeckman Coulter sent a Product Corrective Action (PCA) letter dated May 22, 2012, with attached PCA Response Form to all customers who purchased the tetraCXP Software, CYTO-STAT tetraCHROME CD45-FITC/CD4-RD1/CD8-ECD/CD3-PC5, CYTO-STAT tetraCHROME CD45-FITC/CD56-RD1/CD19-ECD/CD3-PC5. The letter provides the customers with an explanation of the problem identified and actions to be taken. Customers were informed that the tetraCXP SYSTEM Guide and CYTO-STAT tetraCHROME CD45-FITC/CD4-RD1/CD8-ECD/CD3-PC5 & CYTO-STAT tetraCHROME CD45-FITC/CD56-RD1/CD19-ECD/CD3-PC5 product labeling will be revised to reflect the updated claims. Customers were instructed to complete and return the enclosed Response form within 10 days. Customers with questions were instructed to contact Beckman Coulter Customer Service at (800) 526-7694 in the US and Canada or contact their local Beckman Coulter representative. For questions regarding this recall call 714-961-4483.
Quantity in Commerce137,445 units total (26,155 units in US)
DistributionWorldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) and the following countries: Albania Australia Austria Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Burundi Canada Chile China Colombia Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador El Salvador Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia Germany Greece Guadeloupe Hong Kong India Indonesia Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kenya Korea, Republic of Kuwait Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Lithuania Macao Malaysia Mexico Monaco Morocco Namibia Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Poland Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Romania Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sudan Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay
Total Product Life CycleTPLC Device Report

1 A record in this database is created when a firm initiates a correction or removal action. The record is updated if the FDA identifies a violation and classifies the action as a recall, and it is updated for a final time when the recall is terminated. Learn more about medical device recalls.
2 Per FDA policy, recall cause determinations are subject to modification up to the point of termination of the recall.
3 For details about termination of a recall see Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 §7.55.
510(K) Database510(K)s with Product Code = GKZ