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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Class 2 Device Recall HeartStart FR2 automated external defibrillator (AED)

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  Class 2 Device Recall HeartStart FR2 automated external defibrillator (AED) see related information
Date Initiated by Firm May 28, 2010
Date Posted November 26, 2010
Recall Status1 Terminated 3 on September 13, 2013
Recall Number Z-0471-2011
Recall Event ID 55682
510(K)Number K003565  K003819  K013425  K014157  K051632  
Product Classification Automated external defibrillators (non-wearable) - Product Code MKJ
Product HeartStart FR2+ automated external defibrillator (AED) model:
M3840: LAERDAL brand; configurable ECG on screen; configurable manual charge in advance mode.

Code Information MODEL 3840 SERIAL NUMBERS:, DeviceSN, 0408274309, 0408274368, 0408274370, 0408274380, 0408274382, 0408274386, 0408274814, 0408274822, 0408274828, 0408274830, 0507236440, 0507236932, 0508275099, 0607240063, 0607240392, 0607240398, 0607240400, 0807248858, 0807248860, 0807248884, 0807248888, 0807248985, 0807249117, 0807249124, 0807249176, 0807249203, 0807249271, 0907251328, 0907251330, 0907251332, 0907251346, 0907251348, 0907251350, 0907251412, 0907251414, 0907251483, 0907251489, 0907251495, 0907251499, 1007255889, 1007255914, 1007255922, 1007255924, 1007256032, 1007256036, 1007256083, 1007256111, 1007257465, 1007257484, 1007257496, 1007257832, 1007257836, 1007257862, 1007257955, 1007257973, 1007257991, 1007257993, 1007258092, 1007258099, 1007258134, 1007258354, 1007258382, 1007258384, 1007258401, 1007258404, 1007258405, 1007258410, 1007258411, 1007258414, 1007258423, 1007258425, 1007258429, 1007258441, 1007258443, 1007258447, 1007258448, 1007258452, 1007258458, 1007258459, 1007258461, 1007258464, 1007258465, 1007258467, 1007258471, 1007258473, 1007258485, 1007258493, 1007258494, 1007258705, 1007258708, 1007258710, 1007258716, 1007258723, 1007258728, 1007258734, 1007258738, 1007258793, 1207264734, 1207265414, 1207265420, 1207265422, 1207265424, 1207265497, 0507236309, 0507236321, 0507236323, 0507236325, 0507236327, 0507236331, 0507236418, 0507236922, 0507236924, 0507236926, 0507236928, 0507236966, 0507236997, 0807246536, 0807246540, 0807246583, 0807246585, 0807246587, 0807246593, 0807246601, 0807246619, 0807246670, 0807246678, 0807246682, 0807246688, 0807246700, 0807246701, 0807246719, 0807246723, 0807246753, 0807246755, 0807246757, 0807248024, 0807248134, 0807248136, 0807248169, 0807248175, 0807248190, 0807248194, 0807248205, 0807248329, 0807248330, 0807248334, 0807248336, 0807248365, 0807248368, 0807248371, 0807248394, 0807248427, 0807248429, 0807248431, 0807248433, 0807248435, 0807248445, 0807248465, 0807248820, 0807248850, 0807248852, 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1107262642, and 1107261619.
Recalling Firm/
Philips Medical Systems
2301 5th Ave Ste 200
Seattle WA 98121
For Additional Information Contact
Manufacturer Reason
for Recall
Failure of the voltage detector, U8 may cause the AED battery to drain more rapidly than normal or make the AED unusable.
FDA Determined
Cause 2
Nonconforming Material/Component
Action Philips Medical Systems issued an Urgent Medical Device Recall letter dated May 28, 2010 identifying the affected device and actions to be taken. Customers were instructed to review their inventory for affected devices. If affected devices are found, the customer should contact Philips to arrange for a replacement device. The customer should also run a battery insertion test. If the device passes the test, the AED may remain in service until a replacement is received. For further information, contact Philips at 1 800 263-3342, option 6.
Quantity in Commerce 1740 units
Total Product Life Cycle TPLC Device Report

1 A record in this database is created when a firm initiates a correction or removal action. The record is updated if the FDA identifies a violation and classifies the action as a recall, and it is updated for a final time when the recall is terminated. Learn more about medical device recalls.
2 Per FDA policy, recall cause determinations are subject to modification up to the point of termination of the recall.
3 For details about termination of a recall see Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 §7.55.
510(K) Database 510(K)s with Product Code = MKJ and Original Applicant = AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
510(K)s with Product Code = MKJ and Original Applicant = PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS