Through our routine microbiological surveillance cultures of duodenoscopes, we have identified an olympus duodenoscope (serial # (b)(4)) that has cultured (b)(4) for (b)(4) on 2 occasions despite several rounds of high level disinfection and sterilization.Once after our routine repeat high level disinfection process (2x hld) and then through the (b)(6) department of public health that the (b)(4) isolates only differed by three bands and are probably related.This despite 2 cycles of hld and one subsequent cycle of eo replacement of the elevator mechanism with the new parts per the fda recall.This duodenoscope was (b)(4) the last time it was cultured in december of 2015 (about 50 uses ago).From the information we have so far, we have not identified any adverse patient outcomes in patients who had this scope used on them between (b)(6) 2015 to present.