My father had an mri of the spine ordered at (b)(6) center.He has a history of a craniotomy for aneurysm clipping in 1982, and should not have an mri due to the risk of migration of clips and possible bleeding.Md well aware of his history, and ordered mri anyway.During the mri, my father became unresponsive and was posturing.A f/u ct scan of the brain showed a massive subarachnoid hemorrhage.He passed away about 15 hours later.After the mri and hemorrhage event, md came to speak to my mother, and informed her that they had made a mistake, and that the mri should never have been ordered, and likely caused the massive brain hemorrhage.I am concerned that they ordered this test, being well aware of the fact that my father had aneurysm clips in his brain, as this was documented in his admitting h&p, by the very md that ordered the mri.Please investigate.