I was implanted with silicone gel textured implants.I began experiencing neurological problems one month following mammogram.My implants were voluntarily removed from the us market in (b)(6) 2015 for "quality concerns at the manufacturing plant in (b)(4)".I was explanted on (b)(6) 2017, i had abnormal cells growing within the scar capsule around one implant and a seroma.My surgeon said my entire chest cavity was terribly inflamed.I had a second surgery in (b)(6) to remove affected axillary lymph nodes and began a detox protocol for mold and chemical toxicity by my surgeon.Beyond the fact that this has affected my quality of life, i have been left with a huge financial burden.And then to have a mainstream medicine refuse to believe my implants were the source of my problems is hard.I have never notified by sientra that there were problems with my implants.