The product investigation has begun but it has not been completed at this time.When the investigational analysis has been completed, a supplemental 3500a report will be submitted.The device history record (dhr) of lot number 5915659 was reviewed and no anomalies were found related to this complaint.In addition, the dhr review verifies that the device was manufactured in accordance with documented specification and procedures.Manufacturer's ref.No: (b)(4).
It was reported that a (b)(6) year old female patient who underwent breast prostheses implantation in 2009 with mentor saline smooth round moderate plus profile implants 350cc (catalog # 3502350, lot # 5915659) experienced bilateral discomfort and aching.The patient has no history of medical problems.The patient underwent explantation with replacement on (b)(6) 2016 when the surgeon noticed mold in the valve area of both implants :it was described as dark green, brown and black and it was reported that some particles were also in the patient.The surgeon irrigated the cavity and washed it out before inserting new implants.