Implanted with mentor textured implants in 1996.In (b)(6) 2018 - routine annual mammo showed the left breast was folding over.This was an anatomical change in contrast to the 2017 study.Therefore, explanted in (b)(6) 2018.Left implant had evidence of blackish fluid within the implant.Lymphoma was ruled out fortunately, ps discussed recent findings of this type of implant and stated that he did not use them.Note: another surgeon in 1996 performed the implantation.On my own i called mentor, ((b)(6) 2018) inquired about the texturized implant findings.I wanted to know how many women had been diagnosed with lymphoma.The research person on the phone was very dismissive and said that such records were not kept.As a pt and an rn, i felt that was not given accountability by mentor due to the findings that came out after my initial implantation.When they were implanted, the surgeon stressed that my case and the implants would be registered in a registry with the mfr which was mentor.