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prosthesis, hip, semi-constrained, uncemented, metal/polymer, porous
Regulation Description
Hip joint metal/polymer/metal semi-constrained porous-coated uncemented prosthesis.
Regulation Medical Specialty
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Premarket Review
Joint Arthroplasty Devices
Joint Arthroplasty Devices (DHT6A)
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Regulation Number
Device Class
Total Product Life Cycle (TPLC)
TPLC Product Code Report
GMP Exempt?
Summary Malfunction
Implanted Device?
Life-Sustain/Support Device?
Recognized Consensus Standards
8-195 ASTM F2024-10 (Reapproved 2016)
Standard Practice for X-Ray Diffraction Determination of Phase Content of Plasma-Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coatings
8-368 ASTM F2625-10 (Reapproved 2016)
Standard Test Method for Measurement of Enthalpy of Fusion, Percent Crystallinity, and Melting Point of Ultra-High-Molecular Weight Polyethylene by Means of Differential Scanning Calorimetry
8-378 ASTM D792-13
Standard Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity (Relative Density) of Plastics by Displacement
8-379 ISO 11542-2 First edition 1998-11-15
Plastics - Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethyelene (PE-UHMW) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties [Including: Technical Corrigendum 1 (2007)]
8-380 ASTM F1160-14 (Reapproved 2017)e1
Standard Test Method for Shear and Bending Fatigue Testing of Calcium Phosphate and Metallic Medical and Composite Calcium Phosphate/Metallic Coatings
8-403 ASTM D638-14
Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics
8-404 ASTM E647-15
Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates
8-427 ASTM F1185-03 (Reapproved 2014)
Standard Specification for Composition of Hydroxylapatite for Surgical Implants
8-429 ASTM F2224-09 (Reapproved 2020)
Standard Specification for High Purity Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate or Dihydrate for Surgical Implants
8-493 ISO 13779-2 Third edition 2018-12
Implants for surgery - Hydroxyapatite - Part 2: Thermally sprayed coatings of hydroxyapatite
8-495 ISO 5834-3 Second edition 2019-02
Implants for surgery - Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene - Part 3: Accelerated ageing methods
8-496 ISO 5834-4 Second edition 2019-02
Implants for surgery - Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene - Part 4: Oxidation index measurement method
8-497 ISO 5834-5 Second edition 2019-02
Implants for surgery - Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene - Part 5: Morphology assessment method
8-501 ISO 5834-1 Fourth edition 2019-02
Implants for surgery - Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene - Part 1: Powder form
8-514 ISO 5834-2 Fifth edition 2019-02
Implants for surgery - Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene - Part 2: Moulded forms
8-516 ISO 13779-4 Second edition 2018-12
Implants for surgery - Hydroxyapatite - Part 4: Determination of coating adhesion strength
8-569 ASTM F648-21
Standard Specification for Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene Powder and Fabricated Form for Surgical Implants
8-572 ASTM F2565-21
Standard Guide for Extensively Irradiation-Crosslinked Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Fabricated Forms for Surgical Implant Applications
8-577 ISO 13179-1 Second Edition 2021-09
Implants for surgery -- Coatings on metallic surgical implants -- Part 1: Plasma-sprayed coatings derived from titanium or titanium-6 aluminum-4 vanadium alloy powders
8-579 ISO 13779-3 Second Edition 2018-12
Implants for surgery -- Hydroxyapatite -- Part 3: Chemical analysis and characterization of crystallinity ratio and phase purity [Including AMENDMENT 1 (2021)]
8-585 ASTM F1377-21
Standard Specification for Cobalt-28Chromium-6Molybdenum Powder for Medical Devices (UNS R30075, UNS R31537, and UNS R31538)
8-593 ISO 13779-6 First Edition 2015-01-15 Corrected Version 2016-09-15
Implants for surgery - Hydroxyapatite - Part 6: Powders
11-183 ASTM F1875-98 (Reapproved 2022)
Standard Practice for Fretting Corrosion Testing of Modular Implant Interfaces: Hip Femoral Head-Bore and Cone Taper Interface
11-197 ASTM F983-86 (Reapproved 2018)
Standard Practice for Permanent Marking of Orthopaedic Implant Components
11-199 ASTM F565-04 (Reapproved 2018)
Standard Practice for Care and Handling of Orthopedic Implants and Instruments
11-272 ASTM F1714-96 (Reapproved 2018)
Standard Guide for Gravimetric Wear Assessment of Prosthetic Hip Designs in Simulator Devices
11-277 ISO 7206-6 Second edition 2013-11-15
Implants for surgery - Partial and total hip joint prostheses - Part 6: Determination of endurance properties of head and neck region of stemmed femoral components
11-299 ASTM F2068-15
Standard Specification for Femoral Prostheses - Metallic Implants
11-312 ISO 7206-4 Third edition 2010-06-15
Implants for surgery - Partial and total hip joint prostheses - Part 4: Determination of endurance properties and performance of stemmed femoral components [Including AMENDMENT 1 (2016)]
11-314 ISO 14242-2 Second edition 2016-09-15
Implants for surgery - Wear of total hip-joint prostheses - Part 2: Methods of measurement
11-319 ISO 7206-12 First edition 2016-10-01
Implants for surgery - Partial and total hip joint prostheses - Part 12: Deformation test method for acetabular shells
11-337 ISO 16087 First edition 2013-10-01
Implants for surgery - Roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis for the assessment of migration of orthopaedic implants
11-339 ISO 7206-2 Third edition 2011-04-01 AMENDMENT 1 2016-09-15
Implants for surgery - Partial and total hip joint prostheses - Part 2: Articulating surfaces made of metallic, ceramic and plastics materials [Including AMENDMENT1 (2016) ]
11-342 ASTM F732-17
Standard Test Method for Wear Testing of Polymeric Materials Used in Total Joint Prostheses
11-344 ASTM F2580-18
Standard Practice for Evaluation of Modular Connection of Proximally Fixed Femoral Hip Prosthesis
11-349 ISO 14242-3 First edition 2009-03-15
Implants for surgery - Wear of total hip-joint prostheses - Part 3: Loading and displacement parameters for orbital bearing type wear testing machines and corresponding environmental conditions for test [Including AMENDMENT 1 (2019)]
11-352 ISO 14242-1 Third edition 2014-10-15
Implants for surgery - Wear of total hip-joint prostheses - Part 1: Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines and corresponding environmental conditions for test [Including AMENDMENT 1 (2018)]
11-358 ISO 14242-4 First edition 2018-05
Implants for surgery - Wear of total hip-joint prostheses - Part 4: Testing hip prostheses under variations in component positioning which results in direct edge loading
11-366 ASTM F2381-19
Standard Test Method for Evaluating Trans-Vinylene Yield in Irradiated Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Fabricated Forms Intended for Surgical Implants by Infrared Spectroscopy
11-371 ASTM F2009-20
Standard Test Method for Determining the Axial Disassembly Force of Taper Connections of Modular Prostheses
11-372 ASTM F2996-20
Standard Practice for Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of Non-Modular Metallic Orthopaedic Hip Femoral Stems
11-376 ASTM F2033-20
Standard Specification for Total Hip Joint Prosthesis and Hip Endoprosthesis Bearing Surfaces Made of Metallic, Ceramic, and Polymeric Materials
11-381 ASTM F2582-20
Standard Test Method for Dynamic Impingement Between Femoral and Acetabular Hip Components
11-382 ASTM F3090-20
Standard Test Method for Fatigue Testing of Acetabular Devices for Total Hip Replacement
11-383 ASTM F3143-20
Standard Test Method for Determination of Frictional Torque and Friction Factor for Hip Replacement Bearings under Standard Conditions Using a Reciprocal Friction Simulator
11-384 ASTM F3446-20
Standard Test Method for Determination of Frictional Torque and Friction Factor for Hip Implants Using an Anatomical Motion Hip Simulator
11-385 ASTM F2345-21
Standard Test Methods for Determination of Cyclic Fatigue Strength of Ceramic Modular Femoral Heads
11-389 ISO 7206-10 Second edition 2018-08
Implants for surgery - Partial and total hip-joint prostheses - Part 10: Determination of resistance to static load of modular femoral heads [Including AMENDMENT 1 (2021)]
11-394 ASTM F1820-22
Standard Test Method for Determining the Forces for Disassembly of Modular Acetabular Devices
11-395 ASTM F1814-22
Standard Guide for Evaluating Modular Hip and Knee Joint Components
11-396 ISO 7206-13 First edition 2016-07-01 [Including AMD1:2022]
Implants for surgery - Partial and total hip joint prostheses - Part 13: Determination of resistance to torque of head fixation of stemmed femoral components [Including AMENDMENT 1 (2022)]
11-401 ISO 21535 Third edition 2023-07
Non-active surgical implants - Joint replacement implants - Specific requirements for hip-joint replacement implants
11-416 ASTM F2996-24
Standard Test Method for Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of Non-Modular Metallic Orthopaedic Hip Femoral Stems
11-417 ASTM F3090-24
Standard Test Method for Fatigue Testing of Acetabular Devices for Total Hip Replacement and Performance Requirements
Guidance Documents
Non-clinical Information for Femoral Stem Prostheses
Guidance Document for Testing Orthopedic Implants with Modified Metallic Surfaces Apposing Bone Or Bone Cement
Third Party Review
Not Third Party Eligible