Section No. |
Regulation Name Product Code-Device Name |
Class |
862.1025 |
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) test system. |
CKG - Radioimmunoassay, Acth |
II |
862.1035 |
Albumin test system. |
CIX - Bromcresol Green Dye-Binding, Albumin |
II |
CJF - Tetrabromophenolphthalein, Albumin |
II |
CJG - Tetrabromo-M-Cresolsulfonphthalein, Albumin |
II |
CJQ - Radial Immunodiffusion, Albumin |
II |
CJW - Bromcresol Purple Dye-Binding, Albumin |
II |
CJZ - Acid, Hydroxyazobenzene-Benzoic, Albumin |
II |
862.1045 |
Aldosterone test system. |
CJB - Chromatographic Separation/Radioimmunoassay, Aldosterone |
II |
CJM - Radioimmunoassay, Aldosterone |
II |
862.1050 |
Alkaline phosphatase or isoenzymes test system. |
CIN - Electrophoretic Separation, Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes |
II |
CIO - Thymolphthalein Monophosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes |
II |
CJE - Nitrophenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes |
II |
CJH - Thymol Blue Monophosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes |
II |
CJI - Disodium Phenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes |
II |
CJK - Phenolphthalein Phosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes |
II |
CJL - Beta Glycerophosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes |
II |
CJO - Alpha-Naphthyl Phosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes |
II |
CKF - Phenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes |
II |
NEO - System, Test, Osteocalcin |
II |
862.1065 |
Ammonia test system. |
JID - Photometric Method, Ammonia |
I |
JIE - Method, Ion-Exchange, Ammonia |
I |
JIF - Enzymatic Method, Ammonia |
I |
JIG - Electrode, Ion-Specific Method, Ammonia |
I |
862.1070 |
Amylase test system. |
CIJ - Saccharogenic, Amylase |
II |
CIK - Radial Diffusion, Amylase |
II |
CIW - Starch-Dye Bound Polymer, Amylase |
II |
CJA - Amyloclastic, Amylase |
II |
CJD - Nitrosalicylate Reduction, Amylase |
II |
JFJ - Catalytic Methods, Amylase |
II |
KHM - Nephelometric, Amylase |
II |
862.1085 |
Angiotensin I and renin test system. |
CIB - Radioimmunoassay, Angiotensin I And Renin |
II |
862.1110 |
Bilirubin (total or direct) test system. |
CIG - Diazo Colorimetry, Bilirubin |
II |
JFM - Enzymatic Method, Bilirubin |
II |
862.1113 |
Bilirubin (total and unbound) in the neonate test system. |
MQM - Bilirubin (Total And Unbound) In The Neonate Test System |
I |
862.1118 |
Biotinidase test system. |
NAK - System, Test, Biotinidase |
II |
862.1120 |
Blood gases (PCO2, PO2) and blood pH test system. |
CHL - Electrode Measurement, Blood-Gases (Pco2, Po2) And Blood Ph |
II |
862.1140 |
Calcitonin test system. |
JKR - Radioimmunoassay, Calcitonin |
II |
862.1145 |
Calcium test system. |
CHC - Titrimetric Permanganate And Bromophenol Blue, Calcium |
II |
CHW - Titrimetric With Edta And Indicator, Calcium |
II |
CHZ - Di (O-Hydroxyphenylimine) Ethane, Calcium |
II |
CIA - Methylthymol Blue, Calcium |
II |
CIC - Cresolphthalein Complexone, Calcium |
II |
CID - Alizarin Sulfonate, Calcium |
II |
CJY - Azo Dye, Calcium |
II |
JFN - Atomic Absorption, Calcium |
II |
JFO - Fluorometric, Calcium |
II |
JFP - Electrode, Ion Specific, Calcium |
II |
862.1155 |
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) test system. |
DHA - System, Test, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin |
II |
JHI - Visual, Pregnancy Hcg, Prescription Use |
II |
JHJ - Agglutination Method, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin |
II |
LCX - Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter |
II |
LFS - Radioreceptor Assay, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin |
II |
NAL - Test, Immunoassay, Biosensor, Hcg |
II |
862.1160 |
Bicarbonate/carbon dioxide test system. |
CHR - Titrimetric Phenol Red, Carbon-Dioxide |
II |
CHS - Coulometric Method, Carbon-Dioxide |
II |
CIE - Volumetric/Manometric, Carbon-Dioxide |
II |
CIL - Cresol Red Colorimetry, Carbon-Dioxide |
II |
JFL - Ph Rate Measurement, Carbon-Dioxide |
II |
KHS - Enzymatic, Carbon-Dioxide |
II |
KMS - Phenolphthalein Colorimetry, Carbon-Dioxide |
II |
862.1170 |
Chloride test system. |
CGZ - Electrode, Ion-Specific, Chloride |
II |
CHG - Acid, Phosphoric-Tungstic (Spectrophotometric), Chloride |
II |
CHJ - Mercuric Thiocyanate, Colorimetry, Chloride |
II |
CHK - Mercuric Nitrate And Diphenyl Carbazone (Titrimetric), Chloride |
II |
JFS - Coulometric, Chloride |
II |
862.1175 |
Cholesterol (total) test system. |
NAQ - Lipoprotein, High Density, Hdl, Over The Counter |
I |
NFX - Test, Cholesterol, Total, Over The Counter |
I |
862.1177 |
Cholylglycine test system. |
KWW - Radioimmunoassay, Cholyglycine, Bile Acids |
II |
862.1187 |
Conjugated sulfolithocholic acid (SLCG) test system. |
KWX - Radioimmunoassay, Conjugated Sulfalithocholic (Slcg) Acid, Bile Acids |
II |
862.1205 |
Cortisol (hydrocortisone and hydroxycorticosterone) test system. |
CGR - Radioimmunoassay, Cortisol |
II |
JFT - Fluorometric, Cortisol |
II |
NHG - Enzyme Immunoassay, Cortisol, Salivary |
II |
862.1215 |
Creatine phosphokinase/creatine kinase or isoenzymes test system. |
CGS - Nad Reduction/Nadh Oxidation, Cpk Or Isoenzymes |
II |
JHS - Differential Rate Kinetic Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes |
II |
JHT - Chromatographic Separation, Cpk Isoenzymes |
II |
JHW - U.V. Method, Cpk Isoenzymes |
II |
JHX - Fluorometric Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes |
II |
JHY - Colorimetric Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes |
II |
MYT - Biosensor, Immunoassay, Cpk Or Isoenzymes |
II |
NJV - Test, Albumin Cobalt Binding |
II |
862.1225 |
Creatinine test system. |
CGL - Electrode, Ion Based, Enzymatic, Creatinine |
II |
CGX - Alkaline Picrate, Colorimetry, Creatinine |
II |
JFY - Enzymatic Method, Creatinine |
II |
NDY - Test, Cystatin C |
II |
862.1230 |
Cyclic AMP test system. |
CGT - Radioimmunoassay, Cyclic Gmp |
II |
CHO - Radioimmunoassay, Cyclic Amp |
II |
862.1235 |
Cyclosporine test system. |
LTB - Cyclosporine Radioimmunoassay |
II |
MAR - Cyclosporine And Metabolites Serum Assay |
II |
MGS - High Performance Liquid Chromatography For Cyclosporine |
II |
MGU - Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay For Cyclosporine |
II |
MGV - Radioimmunoassay For Cyclosporine |
II |
MKW - Cyclosporine |
II |
862.1295 |
Folic acid test system. |
CGN - Acid, Folic, Radioimmunoassay |
II |
862.1310 |
Galactose test system. |
JIA - Enzymatic Methods, Galactose |
I |
JIB - U.V. Method, Galactose |
I |
JIC - Colorimetric Method, Galactose |
I |
862.1315 |
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase test system. |
JLJ - Uridine-5-Diphosphoglucose, Nad (U.V.), Alpha-D Galactose-1-Phosphate |
II |
KQP - Fluorescent Proc. (Qual.), Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyl Transferase |
II |
862.1340 |
Urinary glucose (nonquantitative) test system. |
JIL - Method, Enzymatic, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative) |
II |
JIM - Method, Metallic Reduction, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative) |
II |
862.1345 |
Glucose test system. |
CFR - Hexokinase, Glucose |
II |
CFW - Copper Reduction, Glucose |
II |
CGA - Glucose Oxidase, Glucose |
II |
CGD - Ferricyanide, Glucose |
II |
CGE - Orthotoluidine, Glucose |
II |
LFR - Glucose Dehydrogenase, Glucose |
II |
862.1377 |
Urinary homocystine (nonquantitative) test system. |
LPS - Urinary Homocystine (Nonquantitative) Test System |
II |
862.1450 |
Lactic acid test system. |
NGD - Test, Lactic Acid, Over The Counter |
I |
862.1455 |
Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio in amniotic fluid test system. |
JHF - Colorimetric Method, Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio |
II |
JHG - Chromatographic Separation, Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio |
II |
JHH - Electrophoretic Method, Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio |
II |
862.1475 |
Lipoprotein test system. |
PYP - Low-Density Lipoprotein (Ldl) Cholesterol Sub-Fraction Test |
I |
862.1495 |
Magnesium test system. |
CFA - Electrode, Ion Specific, Magnesium |
I |
CFO - Titrimetric, Magnesium |
I |
JGI - Atomic Absorption, Magnesium |
I |
JGJ - Photometric Method, Magnesium |
I |
862.1510 |
Nitrite (nonquantitative) test system. |
NGJ - Test, Nitrite, Urinary, Non-Quantitative, Over The Counter |
I |
862.1540 |
Osmolality test system. |
PFQ - Mmp-9 Test System |
I |
862.1545 |
Parathyroid hormone test system. |
CEW - Radioimmunoassay, Parathyroid Hormone |
II |
862.1550 |
Urinary pH (nonquantitative) test system. |
PDS - Amniotic Fluid Protein Immunoassay |
I |
862.1555 |
Phenylalanine test system. |
JNB - Ninhydrin And L-Leucyl-L-Alanine (Fluorimetric), Phenylalanine |
II |
JNC - Column Or Paper Chromatography Plus Ninhydrin, Phenylalanine |
II |
862.1585 |
Human placental lactogen test system. |
JMF - Radioimmunoassay, Human Placental Lactogen |
II |
862.1600 |
Potassium test system. |
CEJ - Tetraphenyl Borate, Colorimetry, Potassium |
II |
CEM - Electrode, Ion Specific, Potassium |
II |
JGM - Flame Photometry, Potassium |
II |
MZV - Test, System, Potassium, Enzymatic Method |
II |
862.1665 |
Sodium test system. |
CEI - Uranyl Acetate/Zinc Acetate, Sodium |
II |
JGS - Electrode, Ion Specific, Sodium |
II |
JGT - Flame Photometry, Sodium |
II |
MZU - System, Test, Sodium, Enzymatic Method |
II |
862.1675 |
Blood specimen collection device. |
GJE - Tray, Blood Collection |
II |
862.1678 |
Tacrolimus test system. |
MLM - Enzyme Immunoassay, Tracrolimus |
II |
862.1680 |
Testosterone test system. |
CDZ - Radioimmunoassay, Testosterones And Dihydrotestosterone |
I |
862.1690 |
Thyroid stimulating hormone test system. |
JLW - Radioimmunoassay, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone |
II |
862.1695 |
Free thyroxine test system. |
CEC - Radioimmunoassay, Free Thyroxine |
II |
862.1705 |
Triglyceride test system. |
NGO - Test, Triglycerides, Over The Counter |
I |
862.1730 |
Free tyrosine test system. |
CDR - 1-Nitroso-2-Naphthol (Fluorometric), Free Tyrosine |
I |
862.1770 |
Urea nitrogen test system. |
CDL - Berthelot Indophenol, Urea Nitrogen |
II |
CDN - Urease, Photometric, Urea Nitrogen |
II |
CDQ - Urease And Glutamic Dehydrogenase, Urea Nitrogen |
II |
CDS - Electrode, Ion Specific, Urea Nitrogen |
II |
CDW - Diacetyl-Monoxime, Urea Nitrogen |
II |
JGZ - O-Phthalaldehyde, Urea Nitrogen |
II |
LFP - Conductivity Rate, Urea Nitrogen |
II |
862.1775 |
Uric acid test system. |
PTC - Uric Acid Test System For At Home Prescription Use |
I |
862.1810 |
Vitamin B12 test system. |
CDD - Radioassay, Vitamin B12 |
II |
LIG - Radioassay, Intrinsic Factor Blocking Antibody |
II |
862.1825 |
Vitamin D test system. |
MRG - System, Test, Vitamin D |
II |
862.2050 |
General purpose laboratory equipment labeled or promoted for a specific medical use. |
LCI - Automated Radioimmunoassay Systems, For Clinical Use |
I |
QBV - Centrifuge For Preparation Of Cell Concentrate And/Or Plasma Concentrate |
I |